Friday, December 18, 2009

Lord of the rings

Lord of the Rings

Peter Jackson produced the Lord of the Rings, and the main characters that I will be talking about are Legolas and Froto and there is Aragorn. Now the reason that I will be talking about these characters about this story is because they practically make the movie. They are the main characters for the story and they are the most liked characters in the movie.

I will talk about the great bow shooter, Legolas. He is an Elf and he is the most liked in the group for his experience in shooting the bow. Now he isn’t just a bodyguard he is also trying to stop Soron and then he is also trying to make sure that he gets the ring to the Mordor so he can destroy it and save the middle earth. Legolas is a elf that is a really loyal person to his peers, he knows what he needs to do but he doesn’t think about power and or greed, but he thinks that the faster he gets the Ring to Mordor he gets to go back to live his life.

Now the other character that im going to talk about is Froto. He is the real main character in the movie since he is the carrier for the ring and he has the power that it takes to do the hard work and he has the power to reject the Soron soul in the inner side of the ring. Now Froto is like the leader of the group because since it is all because the ring froto has the ring and he is the most importance to every one.

Some of the types of Epic Characteristics would be classified like vast setting and there is wizardry, which can be classified as Supernatural, and then there is also is heroism. Now lets talk about the heroism first because im very heroic and im not the scared kind. But the characters that are in this movie like marry and pippin. They show their brave they are but they are really scared to the orc and the big troll.

Now the next type of characteristic is the setting of the story and it will be so awesome to explain the movie setting because I have the best visual about the movie. The setting is bigger and different in a variety of ways. There are different types of terrain such as mountains and meadows that are very close to each other. Mountains covered in snow are visible for miles. Mordor is the evil place full of orc’s and Soron keeps making more of them to take over Middle Earth. It is like a black desert. Literally the terrain is rough and dry and there is little oxygen. At helm’s deep the battle of the human race versus the orcs takes place. It is like a castle built into a mountain. It is a far distance down and there is only one way out and it takes a couple of days to get out. It is over a waterway and the door is only way in. Rohan is where the people that fought in Helm’s deep, the Riders of Rohan, came from. Rohan is a castle on top of a hill where the area surrounding it is very visible, making it very defensible if attacked.

Froto is tested more than once throughout the story. He goes through a lot of tragically horrifying experiences in which the Ring tests him. He either will be taken over by the Ring, or will destroy it. He has to keep himself from trying to kill Sam multiple times. He has to stick up for himself and endure the tragedy of feeling death. He sees the death of those close to him, such as Boromeire. He is separated from his friends Marry and Pippin.

Lord of the Rings has all the different types of settings that differ in size and name, populations and races, physical characteristics. There are supernatural beings like wizards and elves and trees that come alive. I enjoyed the movie more than the book because it was more visual when the book is somewhat difficult to picture.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rocky Paper Sissors

The LHS video was funny and had a lot of different kinds of Camera Shots. This is funny for the fact of the people that are in it and the way that they act in the movie. there are a whole bunch of ways that they did this and that was with the different types of screen shots.
they had like a million different types of shots and they use the write type of shots to. now they also use good background scenes and they also like do the right acting. the music is an other thing they had, which the eye of the tiger was a good similarity to ROCKY which this was suppposed to be like that any way. Now this is a funny clip and they are pretty good at what they do in it so thanks.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Carnival of Souls

Carnival of soul's, sounds scary right well sort of it is a scary movie from the early like thirties. The movie has these great screen shots that would take your breath away. That is what caught my attention. I didn't expect there to be any good screen shots at all, but then I watched the movie for the first time and it really was good.
This movie starts off with a couple of girls driving around. Then they stop at a stop sign and they have these boy's pull u
p. With the screen shot that I saw there was only two boys in the car but I could be wrong. Then after they started to rev up there engines and began to race till the race ended at the side of the bridge. which the girls ran off the side of the bridge and they drowned. now you don't suspect that for the director had the one girl walk up on land and she looked to be fine and she was walking just fine Now with the funds they had they had which was only thirty thousand they had a short amount of time, and they couldn't spend that much money on things to make there movie to make it look good.but I think it turned out to be a good movie for an old one of its kind. Now the movie turned out to be a great film and they are still playing it today on Halloween they say.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

soldier current event

This soldier is in Iraq and he is killed while he is on duty and the family thinks it would be a bad thing if his picture was put in the news paper for personal reasons like they dont want to show the body of there ded son and they also dont think its right .
Now the newspaper thinks they should publish it for the reason of the nation needs to know what it is like in the war today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the fire balcony/the football player

Ok the fire was a sign of how the world has to improve there fire escapes and how they have to stop fires as fast as they can. now a fire isnt the eaqsiest thing tofight because its like putting a polar bear against a killer whale, the whale is gonna win nine times out of ten.
Then the football picture was to resimble how racial acts arent the way to go. especialy then because that was when the racial deput was coming out of the blue and when the united states were still trying to accept the blacks for who they are.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

new post

Alright in the book so far there is Tim and there is ceej and they are throwing rocks down the grand canyon but they arent very exited from this so they try to push a thirty ton bolder over the ledge and the get it moving inch by inch with just car jacks and large poles.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hole in the sky

There are a few people that I've found in the first two pages. The first person is Tim. He is demanding as a the little fellow he is, but he tries to help people as much as he can. Then there is Uncle. They say he has the biggest nose in the group. There are some things that i wonder about Tim. But i think that every thing is gonna be fine the more that i read and i am gonna read this hole book.

Friday, August 21, 2009

nite light @

This site is one of the best sites to use if you are gonna be looking for the hunting sport that you are gonna be doing. i also use it for buying my training supplies for my dogs.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


This NFL site is very usefull to me. I look up stats all the time.

the very first one

this is so cool