Monday, November 16, 2009

Rocky Paper Sissors

The LHS video was funny and had a lot of different kinds of Camera Shots. This is funny for the fact of the people that are in it and the way that they act in the movie. there are a whole bunch of ways that they did this and that was with the different types of screen shots.
they had like a million different types of shots and they use the write type of shots to. now they also use good background scenes and they also like do the right acting. the music is an other thing they had, which the eye of the tiger was a good similarity to ROCKY which this was suppposed to be like that any way. Now this is a funny clip and they are pretty good at what they do in it so thanks.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Carnival of Souls

Carnival of soul's, sounds scary right well sort of it is a scary movie from the early like thirties. The movie has these great screen shots that would take your breath away. That is what caught my attention. I didn't expect there to be any good screen shots at all, but then I watched the movie for the first time and it really was good.
This movie starts off with a couple of girls driving around. Then they stop at a stop sign and they have these boy's pull u
p. With the screen shot that I saw there was only two boys in the car but I could be wrong. Then after they started to rev up there engines and began to race till the race ended at the side of the bridge. which the girls ran off the side of the bridge and they drowned. now you don't suspect that for the director had the one girl walk up on land and she looked to be fine and she was walking just fine Now with the funds they had they had which was only thirty thousand they had a short amount of time, and they couldn't spend that much money on things to make there movie to make it look good.but I think it turned out to be a good movie for an old one of its kind. Now the movie turned out to be a great film and they are still playing it today on Halloween they say.